Classroom Playlists - Using Spotify's "Collaborative Playlist" Feature
Studying Harmony
Go here to Share Four Chord Songs - not all four-chord songs are the same. Some are more rare than others.
Teaching Major Pentatonic - songs with a memorable Pentatonic lick or hook in them generally (123561)
Teaching Minor Pentatonic - same as the Major Pentatonic playlist, but for minor pentatonic (1b345b71)
Teaching Modulation - songs that feature one or more modulations, whether subtly or prominently
Teaching Chord Progression Descending Bass Line - songs that feature a prominently descending bass line
Teaching Chord Progression Mostly I and IV - songs that are predominantly the harmonies I and IV
Studying Melody
Well-known Crusic Melodies - recognizable melody starting on the downbeat
Well-known Anacrusic Melodies - recognizable melody start with one or more pickup notes
Well-known Anacrusic Melodies with a silent downbeat - recognizable melody with pickup notes AND a rest on the downbeat.
Teaching Trichords - Species 1 - songs whose melody begins with three ascending notes that are wholestep, wholestep. (123, 456, or 567, etc.)
Teaching Trichords - Species 2 - songs whose melody begins with three ascending notes that are wholestep, halfstep. (234, 671, 12b3, 45b6, etc.)
Teaching Trichords - Species 3 - songs whose melody begins with three ascending notes that are halfstep, wholestep. (345, 712, etc.)
Studying Harmony
Go here to Share Four Chord Songs - not all four-chord songs are the same. Some are more rare than others.
Teaching Major Pentatonic - songs with a memorable Pentatonic lick or hook in them generally (123561)
Teaching Minor Pentatonic - same as the Major Pentatonic playlist, but for minor pentatonic (1b345b71)
Teaching Modulation - songs that feature one or more modulations, whether subtly or prominently
Teaching Chord Progression Descending Bass Line - songs that feature a prominently descending bass line
Teaching Chord Progression Mostly I and IV - songs that are predominantly the harmonies I and IV
Studying Melody
Well-known Crusic Melodies - recognizable melody starting on the downbeat
Well-known Anacrusic Melodies - recognizable melody start with one or more pickup notes
Well-known Anacrusic Melodies with a silent downbeat - recognizable melody with pickup notes AND a rest on the downbeat.
Teaching Trichords - Species 1 - songs whose melody begins with three ascending notes that are wholestep, wholestep. (123, 456, or 567, etc.)
Teaching Trichords - Species 2 - songs whose melody begins with three ascending notes that are wholestep, halfstep. (234, 671, 12b3, 45b6, etc.)
Teaching Trichords - Species 3 - songs whose melody begins with three ascending notes that are halfstep, wholestep. (345, 712, etc.)
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