Learning to Read Music
Print out this workbook:
Schaum Note Speller Book 1
Game for identifying note names Be sure to choose your instrument!
Game for identifying the names of black and white key on the piano.
All the notes on the Grand staff: Be sure to practice both clefs
Endless quiz for Grand Staff note names, good on touchscreen.
Slightly harder game for identifying note names.
Advanced reading:
Practice Identifying Intervals
Ear Training
Practice your Perfect and Relative Pitch
Then, try singing the note beforehand here.
Interact with the Harmonic Series and learn about it with this video
Google Doodle Game playing with crusis and beat
Google Widget for writing four bars of music
Probably the most game-ified music app i've seen. There is even an arcade mode:
Print out this workbook:
Schaum Note Speller Book 1
Game for identifying note names Be sure to choose your instrument!
Game for identifying the names of black and white key on the piano.
All the notes on the Grand staff: Be sure to practice both clefs
Endless quiz for Grand Staff note names, good on touchscreen.
Slightly harder game for identifying note names.
Advanced reading:
Practice Identifying Intervals
Ear Training
Practice your Perfect and Relative Pitch
Then, try singing the note beforehand here.
Interact with the Harmonic Series and learn about it with this video
Google Doodle Game playing with crusis and beat
Google Widget for writing four bars of music
Probably the most game-ified music app i've seen. There is even an arcade mode: